- Cabana
- Cabano
- Cabbagetown-South St. James Town
- Cable Head East
- Cable Head West
- Cabot
- Cabri
- Cache Bay
- Cache-Canada
- Cache Creek
- Cacouna
- Cacouna-Est
- Cacouna-Station
- Cacouna-Sud
- Cactus Lake
- Cadboro Bay
- Caderette
- Cadillac
- Cadillac
- Cadman Corner
- Cadmus
- Cadogan
- Cadomin
- Cadotte Lake
- Cadurcis
- Caesarea
- Cahilty
- Cahoose 10
- Cahoose 12
- Cahoose 8
- Cahore
- Cains Point
- Cainsville
- Caintown
- Caipha
- Cairngorm
- Cairns
- Caissie Cape
- Caissie Road
- Caistor Centre
- Caistor Corners
- Caistorville
- Calabogie
- Calahoo
- Calais
- Calder
- Calder No. 241
- Calders Dock
- Calderwood
- Caldwell
- Caledon
- Caledon East
- Caledonia
- Caledonia
- Caledonia
- Caledonia
- Caledonia-Fairbank
- Caledonia Front
- Caledonia No. 99
- Caledonia Springs
- Caledon Village
- Calgary
- Calhoun
- California
- California
- Caliper Lake
- Calixa-Lavallée
- Callander
- Calley
- Calling Lake
- Callingwood
- Callison Ranch
- Callowood
- Callum
- Calmar
- Calmer
- Calong
- Calrin
- Calstock
- Calthorpe
- Calton
- Calumet
- Calumet
- Calvin
- Calvin Park
- Calway
- Camborne
- Camborne
- Cambray
- Cambria
- Cambria No. 6
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cambridge 32
- Cambridge Bay
- Cambridge Forest Estates
- Cambridge-Narrows
- Camden East
- Camel Chute
- Camelot Beach
- Cameo
- Cameron
- Cameron
- Cameron Bar 13
- Cameron Falls
- Camerons Mill
- Camerons Point
- Camey
- Camilla
- Camlachie
- Camlaren
- Camp Acouchiching
- Camp Agamik
- Campania
- Camp Artaban
- Campbell
- Campbell Creek
- Campbellcroft
- Campbelldale
- Campbellford
- Campbellford/Seymour
- Campbell Maxwell Front
- Campbell River
- Campbell River 11
- Campbell's Bay
- Campbells Beach
- Campbell's Corner
- Campbells Corners
- Campbells Cross
- Campbell Settlement
- Campbell Settlement
- Campbells Mountain
- Campbells Siding
- Campbellton
- Campbellton
- Campbellton
- Campbellton
- Campbellton
- Campbelltown
- Campbellvale
- Campbellville
- Camp Bigwee
- Camp Cayuga
- Camp Champlain
- Camp Chimo
- Camp Cochrane
- Camp Creek
- Campden
- Camp Dundurn
- Camperdown
- Camperville
- Camp Harmony
- Camp Kagawong
- Camp McKinney
- Camp-Mercier
- Camp Morton
- Campobello
- Camp Oconto
- Camp Robinson
- Campsie
- Camp Wanapitei
- Camp Wegesegum
- Camp White Bear
- Camp Wigwasati
- Camrose
- Camrose County No. 22
- Camsell Lake 30
- Canaan
- Canaan
- Canaan Forks
- Canaan No. 225
- Canaan Road
- Canadian Forces Base - Cold Lake
- Canal
- Canal Flats
- Cana No. 214
- Canavoy
- Canborough
- Candiac
- Candiac
- Candle Lake
- Cando
- Candyville
- Canfield
- Canfield Junction
- Canford
- Caniapiscau
- Canim Lake 1
- Canim Lake 2
- Canim Lake 3
- Canim Lake 4
- Canim Lake 5
- Canim Lake 6
- Canisto
- Cankerville
- Canmore
- Cannamore
- Cannell
- Cannes-de-Roches
- Cannifton
- Canning
- Canning
- Canning
- Cannington
- Canobie
- Canobie South
- Canoe
- Canoe Creek 1
- Canoe Creek 2
- Canoe Creek 3
- Canoe Lake
- Canoe Lake I.R. 165
- Canoe Lake I.R. 165A
- Canoe Lake I.R. 165B
- Canoe Narrows
- Canol
- Canonto
- Canoona 2
- Canora
- Canrobert
- Canso
- Canterbury
- Cantin
- Cantin Lake
- Cantley
- Canton
- Canton-des-Roches
- Canton-Jetté
- Cantyre
- Canwood
- Canwood No. 494
- Canyon
- Canyon
- Canyon
- Canyon City
- Canyon Creek
- Canyon Heights
- Canyon Lake 7
- Cap-à-la-Baleine
- Cap-à-la-Branche
- Cap-à-l'Aigle
- Cap-à-l'Orignal
- Capasin
- Cap-aux-Corbeaux
- Cap-aux-Meules
- Cap-aux-Oies
- Cap-aux-Os
- Cap-Bateau
- Cap-Blanc
- Cap-Bon-Ami
- Cap-Chat
- Cap-de-Cocagne
- Cap-de-la-Madeleine
- Cap-des-Caissie
- Cap-d'Espoir
- Cap-des-Rosiers
- Cap-des-Rosiers-Est
- Cape Breton
- Cape Broyle
- Cape Charles
- Cape Chin
- Cape Chin North
- Cape Chin South
- Cape Cove
- Cape Crocker Hunting Grounds First Nations Reserve 60B
- Cape Croker
- Cape Dorset
- Cape Egmont
- Cape Enrage
- Cape George
- Cape Mudge 10
- Cape Ray
- Cape Station
- Cape St. George
- Cape St. George-Petit Jardin-Grand Jardin-De Grau-Marches Point-Lore
- Cape Tormentine
- Cape Traverse
- Cape Traverse Landing
- Cap-Gaspé
- Capilano
- Capilano 5
- Capital
- Capitale nationale, Région de la
- Caplan
- Caplan-Ouest
- Cap La Ronde
- Caplin Gulch
- Cap-Lumière
- Cap-Ouest
- Cap-Pele
- Cappon
- Capreol
- Caprona
- Cap-Rouge
- Cap-Saint-Ignace
- Cap-Saint-Ignace-Station
- Cap-Santé
- Caps-de-Maria
- Caps-Saint-Fidèle
- Cap-Tourmente
- Capucins
- Caramat
- Caraquet
- Carberry
- Carbon
- Carbonear
- Carcajou
- Carcajou 187
- Carcross
- Carcross 4
- Carcross Cutoff
- Carcross/Tagish First Nation
- Cardiff
- Cardigan
- Cardigan North
- Cardinal
- Cardinal Heights
- Cardross
- Cardston
- Cardston No. 6
- Cardwell
- Cardwell
- Careys Hill
- Cargill
- Cargill Siding
- Carholme
- Cariboo
- Caribou
- Caribou
- Caribou Depot
- Caribou Falls
- Caribou Ferry
- Caribou Landing
- Caribou Marsh
- Caribou Marsh Indian Reserve No. 29
- Carievale
- Carignan
- Carillon
- Carisbrooke
- Carleton
- Carleton
- Carleton
- Carleton Centre
- Carleton-Ouest
- Carleton Place
- Carleton--Saint-Omer
- Carleton Siding
- Carleton-sur-Mer
- Carley
- Carleys Corner
- Carlin
- Carling
- Carlingford
- Carlingford
- Carlisle
- Carlisle
- Carlisle, Hamilton Division
- Carlos
- Carlow
- Carlow
- Carlow/Mayo
- Carlsbad Springs
- Carlson
- Carlson Landing
- Carlsruhe
- Carlton Park
- Carluke
- Carlyle
- Carlyle Lake Resort
- Carlyon
- Carmacks
- Carman
- Carmanah 6
- Carmangay
- Carmanville
- Carmanville
- Carm Creek 38
- Carmel
- Carmel
- Carmi
- Carmichael
- Carmichael No. 109
- Carmunnock
- Carnaby
- Carnagh
- Carnarvon
- Carnduff
- Carnegie
- Carnegie Beach
- Carnwood
- Caroline
- Carolside
- Caron
- Caron Brook
- Caron No. 162
- Caronport
- Carp
- Carpenter
- Carpenter
- Carpenter Mountain 15
- Carp Lake 3
- Carragana
- Carriage Lane
- Carrier-Jonction
- Carrier Lake 15
- Carrington
- Carrolls Crossing
- Carron Point
- Carrot Creek
- Carrot River
- Carrot River I.R. 29A
- Carrs
- Carr's Landing
- Carry
- Carrying Place
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda First Nation 76-10
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda First Nation 76-22
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda First Nation Indian Reserve No. 76-29
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda First Nation Indian Reserve No. 76-34
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda First Nation I.R. 76-3
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda First Nation I.R. 76-33
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda First Nation I.R. 76-37
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda First Nation I.R. 76-38
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda FN I.R. 76-20
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda FN I.R. 76-21
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda Indian Reserve No. 76-17
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda Indian Reserve No. 76-18
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda Indian Reserve No. 76-19
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda Indian Reserve No. 76-25
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda Indian Reserve No. 76-28
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda I.R. 76-11
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda I.R. 76-12
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda I.R. 76-13
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda I.R. 76-14
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda I.R. 76-15
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda I.R. 76-23
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda I.R. 76-24
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda I.R. 76-31
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda I.R. 76-32
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda I.R. 76-36
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda I.R. 76-4
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda I.R. 76-6
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda I.R. 76-7
- Carry The Kettle Nakoda I.R. 76-8
- Carry The Kettle Nakota First Nation I.R. 76-2
- Carry The Kettle Nakota I.R. 76-1
- Carseland
- Carson
- Carsonby
- Carson Estates
- Carsonville
- Carsoosat 17
- Carstairs
- Carter Crest
- Carters Corners
- Carterton
- Carthage
- Carthew
- Carthew Bay
- Cartier
- Cartier
- Cartwright
- Cartwright
- Cartwright Point Settlement
- Cartwright-Roblin
- Caruso
- Carvel
- Carvel Corner
- Carvell
- Carway
- Casa Loma
- Casault
- Cascade
- Cascades-Malignes
- Cascapedia-Saint-Jules
- Cascumpec
- Casdeded 8
- Casey
- Casey Corner
- Casgrain
- Cashel
- Cashions Glen
- Cashtown
- Cashtown Corners
- Casimiel Meadows 15A
- Caslan
- Cass Bridge
- Cassburn
- Cassel
- Casselman
- Cassidy
- Cassils
- Cassimayooks 5
- Castalia
- Castile
- Castle Bay
- Castlederg
- Castleford
- Castlegar
- Castle Glen Estates
- Castle Island
- Castle Junction
- Castlemore
- Castlereagh
- Castleton
- Castor
- Castor River North
- Casummit Lake
- Caswell's Beach
- Catalina
- Catamount
- Cataract
- Cataraqui
- Catchacoma
- Catchacoma Lake
- Cater
- Cathage
- Cathcart
- Catherwood
- Cat Lake
- Cat Lake 63C
- Causapscal
- Cavan
- Cavanagh
- Cavanagh Mills
- Cavan-Monaghan
- Cavendish
- Cavendish
- Cavendish
- Caverhill
- Caverlys Landing
- Cavers
- Cawaja Beach
- Cawston
- Cayamant
- Caycuse
- Caye
- Cayilth 5
- Cayley
- Cayoosh Creek 1
- Cayuga
- Cayuse 6
- Ceba
- Cecebe
- Cecil
- Cecil
- Cecil Lake
- Cedar
- Cedar Bay
- Cedar Beach
- Cedarbrae
- Cedar Brae
- Cedar Creek
- Cedar Croft
- Cedardale
- Cedar Dale
- Cedar Glen
- Cedar Grove
- Cedar Grove
- Cedar Hill
- Cedarholm
- Cedarhurst
- Cedarhurst Beach
- Cedarhurst Park
- Cedar Island
- Cedar Lake
- Cedar Mills
- Cedarmont Beach
- Cedar Mount
- Cedar Nook
- Cedar Point
- Cedar Shores
- Cedar Springs
- Cedar Springs
- Cedarvale
- Cedar Valley
- Cedar Valley
- Cedar Villa Estates
- Cedar Village
- Cedarville
- Cedarville
- Ceepeecee
- Celista
- Celtic
- Centennial
- Centennial Scarborough
- Central Bedeque
- Central Butte
- Central Coast
- Central Elgin
- Central Frontenac
- Central Hainesville
- Central Huron
- Centralia
- Central Kildare
- Central Kings
- Central Kootenay
- Central Lot 16
- Central Lynn
- Central Manitoulin
- Central Okanagan
- Central Patricia
- Central Plympton Lakeshre
- Central River Heights
- Central Saanich
- Central Tower Hill
- Central Waterville
- Centre
- Centre
- Centre Dummer
- Centrefield
- Centre Glassville
- Centre Hastings
- Centre Inn
- Centre Lake Junction
- Centremount
- Centre Napan
- Centre-Saint-Simon
- Centreton
- Centretown
- Centreview
- Centreville
- Centreville
- Centreville
- Centreville
- Centreville
- Centreville/Albion
- Centreville-Wareham-Trinity
- Centre Wellington
- Centurion
- Cepeear
- Ceramic
- Cereal
- Cessford
- Ceylon
- Ceylon
- CFB Borden
- C.F.B. Kingston
- C.F.B. North Bay
- C.F.B. Petawawa
- C.F.B. Trenton
- Chaffeys Locks
- Chagoness
- Chalet Beach
- Chaleurs
- Chalk River
- Challetkohum 5
- Challetkohum 9
- Chamberlain
- Chamberlain
- Chamberlain Settlement
- Chambers Corners
- Chambly
- Chambord
- Chamiss 7
- Champagne
- Champagne and Aishihik First Nations
- Champagne Landing No. 10
- Champigny
- Champion
- Champlain
- Champlain
- Champlain Park
- Champneuf
- Chance Cove
- Chancellor
- Chandler
- Chandler-Ouest
- Chandonnet
- Chandos Lake
- Change Islands
- Channel Islands 33
- Channel Island Sapotaweyak Cree Nation Indian Reserve
- Channel-Port aux Basques
- Chanoodandidalch 14
- Chantler
- Chantry
- Chapais
- Chapeau
- Chapel Arm
- Chapel Island 5
- Chapel Park 28
- Chapleau
- Chapleau 74
- Chapleau 74A
- Chapleau 75
- Chapleau Cree Fox Lake
- Chapleau Indian Reserve No. 61
- Chapleau Indian Reserve No. 61A
- Chaplin
- Chaplin Island Road
- Chaplin No. 164
- Chapman Corner
- Chapmans
- Chapman's Bar 10
- Chapman's Landing
- Chapmanville
- Chapperon Creek 6
- Chapperon Lake 5
- Chapple
- Chaput Hughes
- Chard
- Charette
- Charing Cross
- Charlemagne
- Charlemont
- Charlesbourg
- Charlesbourg-Ouest
- Charles Creek
- Charles Creek 2
- Charles Lake 225
- Charleston
- Charleston
- Charleton Heights
- Charleville
- Charley Boy's Meadow 3
- Charlie Lake
- Charlo
- Charlottetown
- Charlottetown
- Charlton
- Charlton and Dack
- Charlton Depot
- Charny
- Chartierville
- Chartrand Corner
- Chase
- Chase Corners
- Chase River
- Chasm
- Chataway Lake/Knife Lake
- Château-Bigot
- Château-d'Eau
- Châteauguay
- Château-Richer
- Chateh
- Chatham
- Chatham
- Chatham
- Chatham Islands 4
- Chatham-Kent
- Chatscah 2
- Chatsworth
- Chatterton
- Chaudière-Bassin
- Chaudière Dam
- Chaumox
- Chaumox 11
- Chauvigny
- Chauvin
- Chawathil 4
- Chazel
- Cheadle
- Cheakamus 11
- Cheam 1
- Cheapside
- Checkaklis Island 9
- Cheddar
- Chedderville
- Cheecham
- Cheekye
- Cheeseborough
- Cheese Factory Corner
- Cheesish 15
- Cheetsum's Farm 1
- Cheewat 4A
- Chehalis 5
- Chehalis 6
- Chekwelp 26
- Chekwelp 26A
- Chelan
- Chelmsford
- Chelsea
- Chelsea
- Cheltenham
- Chelton
- Chemainus
- Chemainus 13
- Chemawawin 1
- Chemawawin 2
- Chemawawin 3
- Chemin-Craig
- Chemin-du-Lac
- Cheminis
- Chemin-Neuf
- Chemong
- Chemong Heights
- Chemong Park
- Chenahkint 12
- Chenal Ecarte
- Chenatha 4
- Chenaux
- Cheneka
- Chénéville
- Cheney
- Chepi Lake
- Chepstow
- Chepstow
- Chequis 3
- Cherbourg
- Cherbourg-Centre
- Cherbourg-Ouest
- Cherhill
- Cherie Hill
- Cherryfield
- Cherry Grove
- Cherry Grove
- Cherry Hill
- Cherry Lane Estates
- Cherry Point
- Cherry Ridge
- Cherry Valley
- Cherry Valley
- Cherryville
- Cherrywood
- Cherrywood West
- Chertsey
- Ches-la-Kee 3
- Cheslatta
- Cheslatta 1
- Chesley
- Chester
- Chester-Est
- Chesterfield
- Chesterfield Inlet
- Chesterfield No. 261
- Chestermere
- Chester No. 125
- Chesterville
- Chesterville
- Chetarpe
- Chetarpe 17
- Chéticamp
- Chetwynd
- Chetwynd
- Cheverie
- Chevery
- Cheyne Settlement
- Chezacut Cemetery 5
- Chez David
- Chez Norbert
- Cheztainya Lake 11
- Chiasson
- Chibougamau
- Chichester
- Chicken I.R. 224
- Chicken I.R. 225
- Chicken I.R. 226
- Chicoutillette
- Chicoutimi
- Chicoutimi-Est
- Chicoutimi-Nord
- Chicoutimi-Ouest
- Chief Joseph Custer Reserve
- Chief Morris 13
- Chief's Point Indian Reserve No. 28
- Chig-In-Kaht 8
- Chigwell
- Chikopi
- Chilanko Forks
- Chilco Lake 1
- Chilco Lake 1A
- Child Lake 164A
- Childs Mines
- Chilhil 6
- Chilliwack
- Chillon
- Chimdimash 2
- Chimdimash 2A
- Chimney Creek 5
- Chin
- Chinatown
- Chinook
- Chinook Valley
- Chipewyan 201
- Chipewyan 201A
- Chipewyan 201B
- Chipewyan 201C
- Chipewyan 201D
- Chipewyan 201E
- Chipewyan 201F
- Chipewyan 201G
- Chipewyan Lake
- Chip Lake
- Chipman
- Chipman
- Chippawa
- Chippawa Hill
- Chippewa
- Chippewa Falls
- Chippewa Island Indian Reserve
- Chippewas of Georgina Island
- Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation Indian Reserve No. 33A
- Chippewas of the Thames First Nation 42
- Chisasibi
- Chiselhurst
- Chiseuquis 9
- Chisholm
- Chisholm
- Chisholm's Mills
- Chiswick
- Chitek Lake
- Chitek Lake I.R. 191
- Choate
- Choiceland
- Chokio
- Chomedey
- Chopaka
- Chorney Beach
- Chortitz
- Chortitz
- Christian Island
- Christian Island 30
- Christian Island 30A
- Christian Valley
- Christian Valley
- Christie Beach
- Christie Lake
- Christie Ridge
- Christies Corner
- Christies Landing
- Christina
- Christina Crossing
- Christina Lake
- Christopher
- Christopher Cross
- Christopher Lake
- Chub Lake
- Chuchakacook 4
- Chuchhriaschin 5
- Chuchhriaschin 5A
- Chu Chua
- Chuchummisapo 15
- Chuchuwayha 2
- Chuchuwayha 2C
- Chuckchuck 8
- Chudleigh
- Chukcheetso 7
- Chumah
- Chum Creek 2
- Chundoo Lh'Tan La 45
- Churchbridge
- Churchbridge No. 211
- Church House
- Churchill
- Churchill
- Churchill
- Churchill 1
- Churchill Falls
- Churchill Heights
- Churchill Lake I.R. 193A
- Churchills
- Churchland Road
- Church Road
- Churchs Corner
- Churchville
- Church-Yonge Corridor
- Chute-à-Blondeau
- Chute-à-Caron
- Chute-aux-Outardes
- Chute-des-Passes
- Chute-Panet
- Chute-Saint-Philippe
- Chuz-Ghun 8
- Chuz Teeslee 41
- Cinema
- Ciquart
- Cirque Du Soleil
- Cité-Jardin
- Cité-Limoilou
- Cité-Provence
- Citeyats 9
- Clachan
- Clair
- Claire-Fontaine
- Claireville
- Clairlea-Birchmount
- Clairmont
- Clairmont
- Clairville
- Clakamucus 2
- Clanbrassil
- Clandeboye
- Clandonald
- Clanton Park
- Clanwilliam
- Clanwilliam-Erickson
- Claoose 4
- Clapham
- Clapperton
- Clapperton
- Clappison's Corners
- Clare
- Clare
- Claredon Beach
- Claremont
- Claremont
- Clarence
- Clarence Creek
- Clarence Ridge
- Clarence-Rockland
- Clarenceville
- Clarendon
- Clarendon
- Clarendon Station
- Clarenville
- Clarenville-Shoal Harbour
- Claresholm
- Clarina
- Clarington
- Clark Bridge
- Clarkdon
- Clarke
- Clarke's Beach
- Clarke's Corners
- Clarkes Hollow
- Clarkin
- Clarkleigh
- Clarksburg
- Clarks Church
- Clarks Corner
- Clark's Harbour
- Clarkson
- Clarkson Valley
- Clarksville
- Clarkville
- Clashmoor
- Classy Creek 8
- Clatse 5
- Clatux 9
- Claude
- Clavering
- Clavet
- Claybank
- Clay Bank
- Claydon
- Clay Hills
- Clayhurst
- Clayoqua 6
- Clayoquot
- Clayridge
- Claysmore
- Clayton
- Clayton No. 333
- Claytonville
- Clay Valley
- Clearbrook
- Clear Creek
- Cleardale
- Clear Hills
- Clear Hills 152C
- Clear Hills No. 21
- Clear Lake
- Clear Lake 61A
- Clear Prairie
- Clearsand Beach
- Clearspring
- Clear Springs
- Clearview
- Clearview
- Clearville
- Clearwater
- Clearwater
- Clearwater 175
- Clearwater Bay
- Clearwater Beach
- Clearwater No. 99
- Clearwater River Dene Band #221
- Clearwater River Dene Band #222
- Clearwater River Dene Band #223
- Cleeves
- Cleho 6
- Clematis
- Clemenceau
- Clemretta
- Clemville
- Clercs-Saint-Viateur
- Cléricy
- Clermont
- Clermont
- Clermont, Abitibi-Ouest
- Clerval
- Clesbaoneecheck 3
- Cleveland
- Cleveland
- Clienna 14
- Cliffcrest
- Clifford
- Clifton
- Climax
- Clinton
- Clinton
- Clinton
- Clinton 1
- Clinworth No. 230
- Clivale
- Clive
- Clontarf
- Cloolthpich 12
- Clo-oose
- Cloridorme
- Clotalairquot 4
- Cloud Bay
- Cloudslee
- Cloutier
- Clova
- Clover Bar Ranch
- Cloverdale
- Cloverdale
- Cloverdale
- Cloverdale
- Cloverdale
- Clover Ridge
- Clover Valley
- Clowel 13
- Cloyne
- Club-Grégoire
- Club-Iroquois
- Club-Jacques-Cartier
- Club-Triton
- Cluchuta Lake 10A
- Cluchuta Lake 10B
- Cludolicum 9
- Cludolicum 9A
- Cluny
- Cluny
- Clustalach 5
- Clute
- Clutus 11
- Clyde
- Clyde Forks
- Clyde River
- Clyde River
- Clyde River
- Clydesdale
- Clydesdale
- Clydesville
- Coachman's Cove
- Coaldale
- Coalfields No. 4
- Coal Harbour
- Coalhurst
- Coalmont
- Coalspur
- Coal Valley
- Coaticook
- Coatsworth
- Coatsworth Station
- Cobalt
- Cobb
- Cobble Hill
- Cobble Hill
- Cobbs Arm
- Cobden
- Coboconk
- Cobourg
- Cocagne
- Cocagne Cove
- Cocagne-Nord
- Cochenour
- Cochin
- Cochrane
- Cochrane
- Cochrane Corner
- Cochrane, Unorganized, North Part
- Cochrane, Unorganized, South East Part
- Cochrane, Unorganized, South West Part
- Cockburn Island
- Cockburn Island 19
- Cockburn Island 19A
- Cockmi 3
- Coderre
- Codesa
- Codes Corner
- Codes Corners
- Codette
- Codrington
- Codroy
- Cody
- Cody's Corners
- Coe Hill
- Coffin Cove
- Coffin Island 3
- Coghill
- Coglistiko River 29
- Cognashene
- Cohoe Point 20
- Coin-du-Banc
- Coins Gratton
- Cokato
- Colbeck
- Colborne
- Colborne
- Colchester
- Colchester
- Coldbrook
- Cold Lake
- Cold Lake 149
- Cold Lake 149A
- Cold Lake 149B
- Cold Lake 149C
- Coldspring House
- Cold Springs
- Coldstream
- Coldstream
- Coldstream
- Coldstream
- Coldstream Ranch
- Coldwater
- Coldwater 1
- Coldwell
- Coldwell
- Cole Bay
- Cole Bay 3
- Colebrook
- Colebrooke Settlement
- Colebrooke West
- Cole Harbour
- Cole Harbour 30
- Cole Lake
- Coleman
- Coleman
- Coleman
- Colemans
- Coleman's Shore
- Colenso
- Coleraine
- Coleraine
- Colesdale Park
- Coles Island
- Coleville
- Cole Wharf
- Colgan
- Colgate
- Colinet
- Colinton
- Colinville
- College Grant
- College Heights
- Collette
- Collette-Village
- Collettville
- Colleymount
- Collicutt
- Colliers
- Collier's Riverhead
- Collines-du-Basque
- Collingwood
- Collingwood
- Collingwood Corner
- Collin Lake 223
- Collins Bay
- Collins Cove
- Collins FN
- Collins Inlet
- Colmer
- Colombier
- Colombière
- Colombourg
- Colonie-de-Sainte-Julienne
- Colonsay
- Colonsay No. 342
- Colpoy's Bay
- Colquhoun
- Columbia Lake 3
- Columbia-Shuswap
- Columbus
- Colville Lake
- Colwell
- Colwood
- Comber
- Combermere
- Comeau Point
- Comeau Ridge
- Comeau Settlement
- Come-By-Chance
- Comet
- Comet
- Comfort Cove-Newstead
- Commanda
- Commercial Cross
- Community Beach
- Comox
- Comox 1
- Comox Valley
- Compeer
- Compton
- Compton Island 6
- Compton Station
- Conception Bay South
- Conception Harbour
- Concession-de-Baker-Brook
- Concession-des-Bouchard
- Concession-des-Jaunes
- Concession-des-Lang
- Concession-des-Ouellette
- Concession-des-Vasseur
- Concession-des-Viel
- Conche
- Concord
- Concord Point
- Condor
- Conestoga Estates
- Conestogo
- Conestogo Lake
- Congresbury
- Congress
- Coningsby
- Coniston
- Conklin
- Conlin Lake Camp
- Conmee
- Conn
- Connaught
- Connaught No. 457
- Connaught Shore
- Connell
- Connellys
- Connemara
- Conne River
- Connor
- Connors
- Conover
- Conquest
- Conrad
- Conrad
- Conroy
- Consecon
- Consort
- Constance
- Constance Bay
- Constance Lake
- Constance Lake 92
- Constant Creek
- Consul
- Contour
- Contrecoeur
- Conway
- Conway
- Cooke
- Cooke's Shore
- Cooking Lake
- Cook's Harbour
- Cookshire
- Cookshire-Eaton
- Cooks Mills
- Cookson
- Cookstown
- Cooksville
- Cookville
- Coombes Road
- Coombs
- Coomb's Cove
- Cooper Creek
- Coopers Falls
- Cooper's Trailer Park
- Coopte 9
- Copeland
- Copeland's Landing
- Copenhagen
- Copetown
- Copp
- Copper Cliff
- Copper Creek
- Copperhead
- Copper Johnny Meadow 8
- Copperkettle
- Coppin's Corners
- Coquitlam
- Coquitlam 1
- Coquitlam 2
- Coral
- Coral Harbour
- Coral Rapids
- Corbeil
- Corbett
- Corbetton
- Corbin
- Corbin
- Corbyville
- Corcoran
- Cordel
- Cordova Mines
- Coriander
- Corinth
- Coristine
- Corkery
- Corkery Woods
- Corkscrew Creek 10
- Corkscrew Creek 9
- Cormac
- Cormack
- Corman Park No. 344
- Cormier Cove
- Cormier-Village
- Cormierville
- Cormorant
- Cornell
- Corner Brook
- Cornhill
- Cornhill East
- Corning
- Cornwall
- Cornwall
- Cornwall Centre
- Cornwallis
- Cornwallis
- Cornwall Island
- Cornwallis Square
- Cornwall Lake 224
- Coromonie
- Coronach
- Coronado
- Coronation
- Coronation Gardens
- Corra Linn
- Corran Ban
- Corraville
- Corriveau
- Corso Italia-Davenport
- Corsons
- Corte-Real
- Cortes Island
- Corunna
- Corwhin
- Coryatsaqua 2
- Cosmo
- Costigan
- Cosway
- Cosy Cove
- Coté
- Coteau Beach
- Coteau-du-Lac
- Coteau-Mauvais-Riz
- Coteau No. 255
- Coteau Road
- Côte-d'Azur
- Côte-d'en-Bas
- Côte-des-Neiges/Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
- Côte-d'Or
- Côte-du-Lac
- Cote I.R. 64
- Côte-McLean
- Cote No. 271
- Côte-Nord-du-Golfe-Saint-Laurent
- Côte-Sainte-Thérèse
- Côte-Saint-Luc
- Côte-Saint-Paul
- Cotes Landing
- Cotham
- Cotieville
- Cotnam Island
- Cotswold
- Cottam
- Cottesloe
- Cottlesville
- Cottonwood
- Couchiching 16A
- Coucoucache
- Coughlin
- Coulée-des-Adolphe
- Coulee No. 136
- Coulson
- Coulson's Hill
- Coulters Hill
- Coulterville
- Countess
- Country Club Estates
- County Line
- Courcelles
- Courcellette
- Courchesne
- Courtenay
- Courtice
- Courtland
- Courtright
- Courval
- Courville
- Cous 3
- Cousins
- Coutlee
- Coutnac Beach
- Coutts
- Couttsville
- Couturier
- Couturier Siding
- Couturval
- Cove Beach
- Covedell
- Covehead
- Covehead Road
- Coventry
- Coverdale
- Coverdale
- Cowal
- Cowan
- Cowan's Bay
- Cowans Creek
- Cowans Point
- Cowansville
- Cowessess I.R. 73
- Cowessess I.R. 73A
- Cow Head
- Cowichan 1
- Cowichan 9
- Cowichan Bay
- Cowichan Lake
- Cowichan Valley
- Cowishil 1
- Cow Island
- Cowley
- Cowley
- Cowper Lake 194A
- Coxby
- Cox's Cove
- Coxvale
- Coyle
- Coytown
- Cozy Corners
- Crab River 18
- Crabtree
- Cracroft
- Craddock
- Crafts Cove
- Craig
- Craigdhu
- Craig Harbour
- Craighurst
- Craigleith
- Craigmawr Beach
- Craigmillar
- Craigmont
- Craigmyle
- Craigsford
- Craigsholme
- Craig Shore
- Craigvale
- Craigville
- Craik
- Craik No. 222
- Cramahe
- Cramersburg
- Crammond
- Crampton
- Cranberry
- Cranberry
- Cranberry Island
- Cranberry Portage
- Cranbourne
- Cranbrook
- Cranbrook
- Crandall
- Crane River
- Crane River 51
- Crane Valley
- Cranford
- Cranmer
- Cranston
- Crapaud
- Crathie
- Craven
- Crawford
- Crawford Bay
- Crawford Park
- Crawford's Grove
- Crean Hill
- Crediton
- Credit River
- Creditville
- Cree
- Creek Bank
- Creekland
- Creekside
- Cree Lake I.R. 192G
- Creelman
- Creelmans Crossing
- Creemore
- Creighton
- Creighton
- Creighton
- Creighton Heights
- Creignish
- Creignish Rear
- Cremona
- Crescent Bay
- Crescent Bay
- Crescent Beach
- Crescent Beach
- Crescent Cove Beach
- Crescent Harbour
- Crescent Park
- Crescent Spur
- Crescent Town
- Crescent Valley
- Cressday
- Cressman
- Cresswell
- Cressy
- Crestomere
- Creston
- Creston
- Creston 1
- Creston North
- Crestview
- Crewe
- Crewson's Corners
- Crichton
- Crieff
- Crilly
- Crinan
- Crippsdale
- Crockets Corner
- Crocus
- Croft
- Crofton
- Crofton
- Croll
- Cromar
- Cromarty
- Crombie
- Crombies
- Crombie Settlement
- Cromwell
- Crooked Bay
- Crooked Creek
- Crooked Creek
- Crookston
- Croque
- Crosby
- Crosbys Mill
- Crossburn
- Cross Creek
- Cross Creek Station
- Crossfield
- Crosshill
- Crossing-Labrecque
- Cross Lake
- Cross Lake
- Cross Lake 19
- Cross Lake 19A
- Cross Lake 19B
- Cross Lake 19C
- Cross Lake 19D
- Cross Lake 19E
- Cross Lake 19x01
- Cross Lake 19x02
- Cross Lake 19x03
- Cross Lake 19x05
- Cross Lake 19x06
- Cross Lake, Division No. 1
- Crossland
- Crossley Hunter
- Crossley-Hunter
- Cross Point Station
- Cross River
- Crossroads
- Cross Roads
- Cross Roads
- Cross Roads
- Cross Roads
- Cross Roads Country Harbour
- Croton
- Crouchers Forks
- Crowchild
- Crowe Bridge
- Crowes Landing
- Crowfoot
- Crow Head
- Crow Lake
- Crow Lake
- Crown Hill
- Crowsnest
- Crowsnest
- Crowsnest Pass
- Croydon
- Croydon
- Crozier
- Cruickshank
- Cruisers
- Crumlin
- Crutwell
- Cryderman Subdivision
- Crysler
- Crystal
- Crystal Bay
- Crystal Bay-Sunset
- Crystal Beach
- Crystal Beach
- Crystal Beach
- Crystal City
- Crystal Falls
- Crystal Hill
- Crystal Lake
- Crystal Lake
- Crystal Rock
- Crystal Springs
- Crystal Springs
- Crystal Springs
- Cudsaskwa Beach
- Cudworth
- Cuffley
- Cullens Brook
- Culligan
- Cullite 3
- Culloden
- Culloden
- Culp
- Cultus
- Cultus Lake
- Culver
- Cumberland
- Cumberland
- Cumberland
- Cumberland
- Cumberland Bay
- Cumberland Beach
- Cumberland House
- Cumberland House Cree Nation I.R. 20
- Cumberland I.R. 100A
- Cumberland Mills
- Cumberland Station
- Cumnock
- Cumshewa
- Cumshewas 7
- Cundles
- Cunningham Landing
- Cunningham's Corners
- Cupar
- Cupar No. 218
- Cupids
- Curlew
- Curran
- Currie
- Currieburg
- Currie Road
- Curries
- Curry Hill
- Curtis
- Curtis Park
- Curve Lake
- Curve Lake First Nation 35
- Curve Lake Indian Reserve No. 35A
- Curventon
- Curzon
- Cushendall
- Custeau
- Cut Knife
- Cut Knife No. 439
- Cutler
- Cuvier
- Cygnet
- Cymbria
- Cymric
- Cymri No. 36
- Cynthia
- Cypress No. 1
- Cypress River
- Cyr
- Cyr Junction
- Czar