- Jaars
- Jabez
- Jabez Corner
- Jacen Gorbett Subdivision
- Jachin
- Jacinto
- Jacinto
- Jacinto
- Jacinto
- Jacinto City
- Jack
- Jack
- Jack
- Jack
- Jack Canon Place
- Jack Creek
- Jack Creek Camp
- Jacket
- Jackman
- Jackman
- Jackman Corner
- Jack Pine
- Jack Pine
- Jackpot
- Jack Rabbit
- Jackrabbit House
- Jacks
- Jacks Bay Landing
- Jacksboro
- Jacksboro
- Jacks Creek
- Jacks Creek
- Jacks Creek
- Jacks Fork
- Jacks Fork
- Jacks Isle
- Jacks Landing
- Jacksnipe
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacksonboro
- Jackson Bridge
- Jacksonburg
- Jacksonburg
- Jacksonburg
- Jacksonburg
- Jacksonburg
- Jackson Center
- Jackson Center
- Jackson Corner
- Jackson Corner
- Jackson Corners
- Jackson Corners
- Jackson Creek
- Jackson Crossing
- Jackson Crossroads
- Jackson Ferry
- Jackson Heights
- Jackson Heights
- Jackson Heights
- Jackson Hill
- Jackson Hill
- Jackson Hollow
- Jackson Junction
- Jackson Landing
- Jackson Landing
- Jackson Mill
- Jackson Mill
- Jackson Mill Farms
- Jackson Mills
- Jackson Mills
- Jackson Oak
- Jackson Park
- Jacksonport
- Jacksonport
- Jackson Quarters
- Jackson Range Station
- Jackson Ridge
- Jackson Road
- Jacksons
- Jacksons Crossroads
- Jacksons Crossroads
- Jacksons' Gap
- Jacksons Lake
- Jacksons Mills
- Jackson Special
- Jackson Springs
- Jackson Spur
- Jacksons Store
- Jacksons Store
- Jackson Summit
- Jackson Summit
- Jacksontown
- Jacksontown
- Jackson Township
- Jacksonvile
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville
- Jacksonville Beach
- Jackson Woods
- Jack Springs
- Jack Springs
- Jacks Reef
- Jackstown
- Jacksville
- Jacktowm
- Jacktown
- Jacktown
- Jack Wade
- Jacob
- Jacob
- Jacob
- Jacob City
- Jacobia
- Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
- Jacob Lake
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jacobs Addition
- Jacobsburg
- Jacobs Corner
- Jacobs Creek
- Jacobs Creek Landing
- Jacobs Crossroads
- Jacob Settlement
- Jacobs Mills
- Jacobson
- Jacobs Prairie
- Jacobstown
- Jacobsville
- Jacobus
- Jacoby
- Jacocks
- Jaconita
- Jacox
- Jacques
- Jacumba
- Jadden
- Jadito
- Jadwin
- Jaegers Shop
- Jaffrey
- Jaffrey Center
- Jag0
- Jaggersville
- Jago
- Jagoe
- Jahile
- Jaite
- Jakajoines
- Jake
- Jake Creek
- Jake Prairie
- Jakes Corner
- Jakes Run
- Jaketown
- Jakeville
- Jakin
- Jakolof Bay
- Jal
- Jalama
- Jalapa
- Jalapa
- Jalapa
- Jalapa
- Jalappa
- Jaluco
- Jamacha
- Jamacha Junction
- Jamaica
- Jamaica
- Jamaica
- Jamaica
- Jamaica
- Jamaica
- Jamaica
- Jamaica Beach
- Jamback
- Jamboree
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- Jamesan
- James Brothers
- Jamesburg
- Jamesburg
- Jamesburg
- Jamesburg
- James City
- James City
- James Crossroads
- James Mill
- Jameson
- Jameson
- James Place
- Jamesport
- Jamesport
- James River Estates
- James River Landing
- James Store
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- Jamestown
- James Town
- Jamestown West
- James Valley Junction
- Jamesville
- Jamesville
- Jamesville
- Jamesville
- Jamesville
- Jamesville
- Jamieson
- Jamieson
- Jamison
- Jamison
- Jamison
- Jamison
- Jamison
- Jamison City
- Jamison Road
- Jamisons Corner
- Jamisonville
- Jamul
- Janacks Landing Shelter
- J and E Trailer Court
- J and L Trailer Court
- Jane
- Janeiro
- Jane Lew
- Janes Mill
- Janes Place
- Janesville
- Janesville
- Janesville
- Janesville
- Janesville
- Janesville
- Janesville
- Janey
- Janice
- Janie
- Janie
- Janis
- Janise
- Janney
- Janney
- Janney
- Jan Phyl Village
- Jansen
- Jansen
- Jantz
- Janus
- Japan
- Japton
- Jaques
- Jaquith
- Jarales
- Jarbalo
- Jarbidge
- Jardin
- Jardine
- Jared
- Jarett Place
- Jaritas
- Jarmantown
- Jarosa
- Jaroso
- Jarratt
- Jarreau
- Jarrell
- Jarrell
- Jarrell
- Jarrett
- Jarrett
- Jarrett
- Jarrett
- Jarrett
- Jarrett Cove
- Jarretts
- Jarretts Ford
- Jarrettsville
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jarvisburg
- Jarvis Store
- Jarvisville
- Jasmin
- Jasmine
- Jasmine Estates
- Jason
- Jason
- Jason
- Jason
- Jason Chapel
- Jasonville
- Jasper
- Jasper
- Jasper
- Jasper
- Jasper
- Jasper
- Jasper
- Jasper
- Jasper
- Jasper
- Jasper
- Jasper
- Jasper
- Jasper
- Jasper
- Jasper
- Jasper
- Jasper
- Jasper Forest
- Jasper Heights
- Jasper Mills
- Jaudon
- Java
- Java
- Java
- Java Center
- Java Village
- Jay
- Jay
- Jay
- Jay
- Jay
- Jay
- Jay
- Jay
- Jaybird
- Jay Bird Springs
- Jay City
- Jaydee
- Jaydee
- Jayell
- Jay Em
- Jayess
- Jayhawk
- Jaynes
- Jaynesville
- Jaype
- Jay See Landing
- Jays Roost
- Jaysville
- Jayton
- Jay Villa
- Jayville
- Jaywye
- Jean
- Jean
- Jeanerette
- Jeanetta
- Jean Lafitte
- Jeannette
- Jeannette
- Jeannette
- Jearoldstown
- Jedburg
- Jeddito
- Jeddo
- Jeddo
- Jeddo
- Jeddo
- Jeddo
- Jeddo
- Jeddoe
- Jednota
- Jeff
- Jeff
- Jeff
- Jeff
- Jeff
- Jeff
- Jeff Davis
- Jefferies Bridge
- Jeffers
- Jeffers
- Jeffers
- Jeffers Garden
- Jeffers Hill
- Jeffers Landing
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson
- Jefferson Barracks
- Jefferson Center
- Jefferson City
- Jefferson City
- Jefferson City
- Jefferson City
- Jefferson Corners
- Jefferson Crossroads
- Jefferson Estates
- Jefferson Heights
- Jefferson Heights
- Jefferson Heights
- Jefferson Island
- Jefferson Island
- Jefferson Park
- Jefferson Park
- Jefferson Pike
- Jefferson Station
- Jeffersonton
- Jeffersontown
- Jefferson Valley
- Jefferson Village
- Jeffersonville
- Jeffersonville
- Jeffersonville
- Jeffersonville
- Jeffersonville
- Jeffersonville
- Jeffersonville
- Jeffersonville
- Jeffers Place
- Jeffress
- Jeffrey
- Jeffrey
- Jeffrey City
- Jeffries
- Jeffries
- Jeffriesburg
- Jeffries Point
- Jeiseyville
- Jelen
- Jelle
- Jellico
- Jellico
- Jellison Place
- Jelloway
- Jelm
- Jemez Pueblo
- Jemez Springs
- Jemison
- Jemtland
- Jena
- Jena
- Jena
- Jenera
- Jenifer
- Jenison
- Jenkinjones
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkinsburg
- Jenkins Corner
- Jenkins Crossroads
- Jenkins Ford
- Jenkins Meadow
- Jenkins Mill
- Jenkins Place
- Jenkinstown
- Jenkinsville
- Jenkinsville
- Jenkinsville
- Jenkinsville
- Jenkins Will
- Jenkintown
- Jenks
- Jenks
- Jenks
- Jenks Place
- Jenksville
- Jenky
- Jenner
- Jenners
- Jennerstown
- Jennersville
- Jenness
- Jennette
- Jenneville
- Jennie
- Jennie
- Jennie
- Jennings
- Jennings
- Jennings
- Jennings
- Jennings
- Jennings
- Jennings
- Jennings
- Jennings
- Jennings
- Jennings
- Jennings
- Jennings Gap
- Jennings Lodge
- Jennings Ordinary
- Jennings Store
- Jennings Store
- Jenningston
- Jenningsville
- Jenny Gap
- Jenny Lake
- Jenny Lake Lodge
- Jenny Lind
- Jenny Lind
- Jenny Lind
- Jennys
- Jens
- Jensen
- Jensen Beach
- Jensens Camp
- Jensoe
- Jenson
- Jentsch Acres
- Jeptha
- Jeptho
- Jeremiah
- Jeremiah
- Jere Osage
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho
- Jericho Park
- Jerico
- Jerico
- Jericon Corners
- Jerico Springs
- Jeriel
- Jerita
- Jerktail
- Jermyn
- Jermyn
- Jerneganville
- Jernigans Crossroads
- Jernigan Town
- Jerome
- Jerome
- Jerome
- Jerome
- Jerome
- Jerome
- Jerome
- Jerome
- Jerome
- Jerome
- Jerome
- Jerome
- Jerome
- Jerome
- Jerome
- Jeromesville
- Jerrerson Farms
- Jerrett
- Jerrigan
- Jerry
- Jerry
- Jerry City
- Jerrys Run
- Jerrys Run
- Jerrys Shop
- Jerryville
- Jerryville
- Jersalem
- Jersalem Hill
- Jersey
- Jersey
- Jersey
- Jersey
- Jersey
- Jersey
- Jersey
- Jersey City
- Jerseydale
- Jersey Heights
- Jersey Mill
- Jersey Point
- Jersey Shore
- Jerseytown
- Jersey Village
- Jerseyville
- Jerseyville
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem
- Jesmond Dene
- Jessama
- Jessamine
- Jessamine
- Jesse
- Jesse
- Jessees Mill
- Jessenland
- Jessie
- Jessie
- Jessie Lake
- Jessietown
- Jessieville
- Jessieville
- Jessie Willies
- Jessop
- Jessum
- Jessup
- Jessup
- Jessup
- Jessup
- Jessup
- Jessup Farm Acres
- Jessup Mill
- Jester
- Jester
- Jesup
- Jesup
- Jesup
- Jesus Maria
- Jet
- Jet
- Jet
- Jeter Mountain Terrace
- Jetersville
- Jeterville
- Jethro
- Jetmore
- Jetson
- Jetsville
- Jett
- Jette
- Jetts Store
- Jettys Creek
- Jewel
- Jewel City
- Jewell
- Jewell
- Jewell
- Jewell
- Jewell
- Jewell
- Jewell
- Jewell
- Jewell
- Jewell
- Jewell
- Jewell
- Jewell Corner
- Jewell Ridge
- Jewells Corner
- Jewell Valley
- Jewell Village
- Jewelville
- Jewett
- Jewett
- Jewett
- Jewett
- Jewett
- Jewett
- Jewett Center
- Jewett City
- Jewettville
- Jewfish
- Jiba
- Jicarilla
- Jigger
- Jiggs
- Jillion
- Jim Falls
- Jimgrey
- Jim Moore Place
- Jimps
- Jim Robinson
- Jims Camp
- Jims Corner
- Jim Thorpe
- Jimtown
- Jimtown
- Jimtown
- Jimtown
- Jimtown
- Jimtown
- Jimtown
- Jimtown
- Jimtown
- Jimtown
- Jimtown
- Jimtown
- Jimtown
- Jimtown
- Jingo
- Jingo
- Jinks
- Jinks
- Jinks Branch
- J M Junction
- Joan
- Joanna
- Joanna
- Joanna
- Joaquin
- Job
- Job
- Jobe
- Jobee Acres
- Jobes
- Jobes
- Jobs
- Jobs Corner
- Jobs Corners
- Jobstown
- Jockey
- Jockey
- Jockey Hill
- Jocks
- Joder
- Jodie
- Joe
- Joe
- Joebark
- Joe Branch
- Joel
- Joel
- Joel
- Joe Lee
- Joella
- Joels Landing
- Joelton
- Joe Neets
- Joes
- Joes Creek
- Joesphine
- Joetown
- Joetown
- Joetta
- Joe Ward Camp
- Joe Whites
- Joe Yarbrough
- Jofegan
- Joffre
- Joffre
- Joffre
- Johannesburg
- Johannesburg
- Johannisburg
- John
- John Day
- Johnetta
- Johnfarris
- John Fitzgerald Kennedy City
- John Held Corner
- John Herberts Village
- Johnnie
- John Padilla Settlement
- Johns
- Johns
- Johns
- Johns
- John Sam Lake
- Johnsburg
- Johnsburg
- Johnsburg
- Johnsburg
- Johnsburg
- Johns Creek
- Johnsdale
- John Sevier
- Johns Island
- Johns Landing
- Johns Mill
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson Bayou Landing
- Johnsonburg
- Johnsonburg
- Johnsonburg
- Johnsonburg
- Johnson Camp
- Johnson City
- Johnson City
- Johnson City
- Johnson City
- Johnson City
- Johnson City
- Johnson Corner
- Johnson Corner
- Johnson Corner
- Johnson Corner
- Johnson Corner
- Johnson Corners
- Johnson Creek
- Johnson Creek
- Johnson Crossing
- Johnson Crossroad
- Johnson Crossroads
- Johnson Crossroads
- Johnson Crossroads
- Johnson Crossroads
- Johnson Crossroads
- Johnson Crossroads
- Johnsondale
- Johnson Development
- Johnson Ford
- Johnson Greene
- Johnson Land
- Johnson Landing
- Johnson Landing
- Johnson Landing
- Johnson Lane
- Johnson Park
- Johnson Place
- Johnson Road
- Johnsons
- Johnson's Bayou
- Johnsons Chapel
- Johnsons Corner
- Johnsons Corner
- Johnsons Corner
- Johnsons Corner
- Johnsons Corner
- Johnsons Corners
- Johnsons Crossing
- Johnsons Crossroads
- Johnsons Grove
- Johnson Siding
- Johnson Siding
- Johnsons Landing
- Johnsons Mill
- Johnsons Mill
- Johnsons Mill
- Johnsons Station
- Johnsons Subdivision
- Johnson Station
- Johnson Store
- Johnsontown
- Johnsontown
- Johnsontown
- Johnsontown
- Johnson Village
- Johnsonville
- Johnsonville
- Johnsonville
- Johnsonville
- Johnsonville
- Johnsonville
- Johnsonville
- Johnsonville
- Johnsonville
- Johnsonville
- Johnsonville
- Johns Place
- Johns Run
- Johns Spur
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston City
- Johnston Corner
- Johnston Corners
- Johnstone
- Johnston Ford
- Johnstons Station
- Johnston Town
- Johnstonville
- Johnstonville
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown
- Johnstown Center
- Johnsue
- Johnsville
- Johnsville
- Johnsville
- Johnsville
- Johnsville
- Johnsville
- Johnsville
- Johnsville
- Johnsville
- Johnswood
- Johntown
- Johntown
- Johstown
- Joice
- Joiner
- Joiner
- Joinertown
- Joinerville
- Jo Jo
- J O Junction
- Joker
- Joker
- Joliet
- Joliet
- Joliet
- Joliett
- Joliette
- Jolietville
- Jolivue
- Joller
- Jollett
- Jolley
- Jolliff Store
- Jolly
- Jolly
- Jolly
- Jolly
- Jolly
- Jolly Dump
- Jollytown
- Jollyville
- Jollyville
- Jolo
- Jolon
- Jon
- Jonah
- Jonah
- Jonancy
- Jonas
- Jonas Ridge
- Jonata Park
- Jonathan
- Jonathan
- Jonathan
- Jonathon
- Jonca
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones Beach
- Jones Beach
- Jonesbora
- Jonesboro
- Jonesboro
- Jonesboro
- Jonesboro
- Jonesboro
- Jonesboro
- Jonesboro
- Jonesboro
- Jonesboro
- Jonesboro
- Jonesboro
- Jonesboro Crossing
- Jonesboro Heights
- Jonesborough
- Jones Bridge Landing
- Jonesburg
- Jonesburg
- Jones Chapel
- Jones Chapel
- Jones Chapel
- Jones City
- Jones Corner
- Jones Corner
- Jones Corner
- Jones Corner
- Jones Corner
- Jones Corner
- Jones Corner
- Jones Cove
- Jones Creek
- Jones Creek
- Jones Creek
- Jones Crossing
- Jones Crossing
- Jones Crossing
- Jones Crossing
- Jones Crossing
- Jones Crossroads
- Jones Crossroads
- Jones Crossroads
- Jones Crossroads
- Jones Crossroads
- Jones Crossroads
- Jones Crossroads
- Jones Crossroads
- Jonesdale
- Jones Heights
- Jones Hill Estates
- Jones Landing
- Jones Landing
- Jones Mill
- Jones Mill
- Jones Mill
- Jones Mill
- Jones Mill
- Jones Mills
- Jones Mills
- Jones Place
- Jones Point
- Jonesport
- Jones Prairie
- Jones Ridge
- Jones Road Subdivision
- Jones Settlement
- Jones Siding
- Jones Spring
- Jones Spur
- Jonestown
- Jonestown
- Jonestown
- Jonestown
- Jonestown
- Jonestown
- Jonestown
- Jonestown
- Jonestown
- Jonestown
- Jones Valley
- Jonesville
- Jonesville
- Jonesville
- Jonesville
- Jonesville
- Jonesville
- Jonesville
- Jonesville
- Jonesville
- Jonesville
- Jonesville
- Jonesville
- Jonesville
- Jonesville
- Jonesville
- Jonesville
- Jonesville
- Jonesville
- Jonquil
- Joplin
- Joplin
- Joplin
- Joplin
- Joplin
- Joplin
- Joplor
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa
- Joppa Junction
- Joppa Mill
- Joppatowne
- Joquin
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Jordan Center
- Jordan Chapel
- Jordan Creek
- Jordan Crossing
- Jordan Ferry
- Jordan Junction
- Jordan Mill
- Jordan Mill Farms
- Jordan Mills
- Jordan Mines
- Jordan Oak
- Jordan Place
- Jordan Run
- Jordans Grove
- Jordans Mill
- Jordan Springs
- Jordan Valley
- Jordanville
- Jordon Hill
- Jordonia
- Jornada
- Joscelyn
- Joseco
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Josephatowa
- Joseph City
- Josephine
- Josephine
- Josephine
- Josephine
- Josephine
- Josephine
- Josephs Mills
- Joseph Springs
- Josephtown
- Josephville
- Joshua
- Joshua
- Joshua
- Joshua
- Joshua Falls
- Joshua Tree
- Josie
- Joslin
- Joslin
- Joso
- Josselet
- Josselyn
- Josserand
- Jossman Acres
- Jot-Em-Down
- Joubert
- Jourdanton
- Jovista
- Joy
- Joy
- Joy
- Joy
- Joy
- Joy
- Joy
- Joy
- Joy
- Joy
- Joy
- Joyce
- Joyce
- Joyce
- Joyce
- Joyce
- Joyce City
- Joyceton
- Joyceville
- Joyes
- Joyland
- Joyland
- Joyland
- Joyner
- Joyners Campground
- Joyners Crossing
- Joynes
- Joy Prairie
- Joyville
- Juab
- Juan
- Juan Gonzales Colonia
- Juanita
- Juanita
- Juanita
- Juanita
- Juanita
- Juan Tomas
- Jubilee
- Jubilee
- Jubilee
- Jud
- Jud
- Juda
- Judah
- Judd
- Judd
- Judd Hill
- Judds Bridge
- Juddville
- Judge
- Judge
- Judge Town
- Judice
- Judith Gap
- Judkins
- Judkins
- Judson
- Judson
- Judson
- Judson
- Judson
- Judson
- Judson
- Judson
- Judson
- Judson
- Judson
- Judsonia
- Judy
- Judy Gap
- Judyville
- Jug Fork
- Jugtown
- Jugtown
- Jugville
- Jugville
- Juhl
- Juilliard
- Jules
- Julesburg
- Julesburg
- Julia
- Julia
- Juliaetta
- Julian
- Julian
- Julian
- Julian
- Julian
- Julian
- Julian Place
- Julien
- Julien
- Julien
- Julienton
- Julietta
- Juliette
- Juliff
- Julip
- Julius
- Julius
- Juliustown
- Jumbo
- Jumbo
- Jumbo
- Jumbo
- Jumbo
- Jumbo
- Jumbo
- Jumbo
- Jumeau
- Jumonville
- Jump
- Jumpertown
- Jumping Branch
- Jump River
- Jumptown
- Junction
- Junction
- Junction
- Junction
- Junction
- Junction
- Junction
- Junction
- Junction
- Junction
- Junction
- Junction
- Junction Camp
- Junction City
- Junction City
- Junction City
- Junction City
- Junction City
- Junction City
- Junction City
- Junction City
- Junction City
- Junction City
- Junction City
- Junction City
- Junction City
- Junction City
- Junction City
- Junction House
- Junction House
- Junction Overlook
- Junction Ranch
- Junction Ranger Station
- Junction Switch
- Junction Windmill
- June
- Juneau
- Juneau
- June Lake
- June Park
- Junet
- Junet
- Juneville
- Jungo
- Juniata
- Juniata
- Juniata
- Juniata
- Juniata
- Juniata Crossing
- Juniata Furnace
- Juniata Run Gap
- Juniata Terrace
- Junior
- Junior Furnace
- Juniper
- Juniper
- Juniper
- Juniper
- Juniper
- Juniper
- Juniper Bay
- Juniper Beach
- Juniper Grove
- Juniper Hills
- Juniper Hot Springs
- Juniper Park Resort
- Junius
- Junker
- Junland
- Juno
- Juno
- Juno
- Juno
- Juno
- Juno Beach
- Juno Ridge
- Junte
- Juntura
- Jupiter
- Jupiter
- Jupiter
- Jupiter Inlet Beach Colony
- Jupiter Inlet Colony
- Jupiter Island
- Just Crossroads
- Justice
- Justice
- Justice
- Justice
- Justice
- Justiceburg
- Justin
- Justina
- Justus
- Justus
- J W Owens Estates Colonia